The Parish of St Joseph and
The Parish of St Charles Borromeo
Letters from Fr Mark
Will Holy Mass be celebrated at all?
Yes, Fr Mark McManus will continue to offer the Holy Sacrifice in private for you and your intentions, for all the peoples of our parishes, for the health and safety of all, for all who are sick or suffering in anyway and for those who have died. 'The blessing-cup that we bless is a communion with the blood of Christ,' Psalm 115, Maundy Thursday Mass.
What about baptisms?
Baptisms are to be deferred until such time that the public health advice is that congregations can gather safely. In urgent cases please contact Fr Mark McManus.
What about funerals?
The funeral service is to take place at the graveside or at a crematorium, subject to the conditions laid down by the cemetery or crematorium authorities. Arrangements can be made for a Mass to be celebrated in memoriam when congregations are allowed to gather. Fr Mark McManus will offer a Requiem Mass privately on the morning of the funeral for the repose of the soul of the deceased person.
What about weddings?
If possible, the celebration of the sacrament of Matrimony should be deferred until such time that people can gather in numbers safely. However, all valid weddings in England and Wales must happen in a lawfully registered place such as a church so, if this is not possible, then those present for the marriage should be restricted to the bride and groom and immediate family.
What should I do on Sundays?
The bishops have dispensed you from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. However, we should still, and always, observe the third commandment and 'Keep holy the Sabbath Day,' Ex 20:8-11. As we cannot attend holy Mass we should seek to sanctify every Sunday with personal prayers, or praying together as a family. Examples of these prayers might be the Holy Rosary, Stations of the Cross, reading the scriptures or Sunday Mass readings, reciting suitable hymns, or praying the Mass whilst watching it on-line, listening to Mass on the radio, or on television.

The Cathedral Church of St Marie are now live streaming their Sunday Masses, details can be found here.

Other Live-streamed Masses can be found at: Church Services TV or Walsingham Catholic TV
Our Lady of Lourdes, Mother of the sick, pray for us

St Joseph, pray for us

St Charles Borromeo, pray for us


Decree from the Holy See Granting a Plenary Indulgence

Prayers for When Mass Can't Be Celebrated Publicly

Dowry of Mary

Stations of the Cross

Letter from Cardinal Nichols

The Liturgical Instruction from the CBCEW

Prayers in Time of Illness or Isolation

Helping Neighbours