The Parish of St Joseph and
The Parish of St Charles Borromeo
Letter from Fr Mark McManus (4th/5th April - Palm Sunday)
Dear Parishioners of St Joseph's & St Charles,
I have attached for you some words that I have penned for this Palm Sunday.

I also want to let you know the times of the Masses and services of the Sacred Triduum and Easter that will be live-streamed from St Marie's Cathedral with Bishop Heskett celebrating at the following times:

Maundy Thursday, 9th April
Mass of the Lord's Supper - 6.00pm

Good Friday, 10th April
Celebration of the Passion of the Lord - 4.00pm

Holy Saturday, 11th April
The Easter Vigil - 6.00pm

Easter Sunday, 12th April
Mass - 11.30am

St Marie's Cathedral Livestream

Finally, in light of these times, I shall bring the celebration of the Easter Vigil forward next Saturday to 6.00pm so that our Mass here joins in Eucharistic communion with our bishop.

With my prayers,

Fr Mark McManus
Some Words for Palm Sunday