The Parish of St Joseph and
The Parish of St Charles Borromeo
Letter from Fr Mark McManus 16th/17th May (Sixth Sunday of Easter)
Dear Parishioners of St Joseph's & St Charles,
The government have published some details concerning the new taskforce that has been established to develop a plan for the safe and phased reopening of places of worship:

New taskforce developing plan to reopen places of worship - GOV.UK

If nothing else, I think we can say that it is a positive sign that such are things are being discussed. Please God, we will soon begin to see some progress in this.

I have attached some words for the Sixth Sunday of Eastertide and for the fourth week of our novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.

Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.
St Joseph, pray for us.
St Charles Borromeo, pray for us.

With my prayers,

Fr Mark McManus
Some words for Sixth Sunday of Easter

Some Words for Novena Week 4