The Parish of St Joseph and
The Parish of St Charles Borromeo
Letter from Fr Mark McManus 25th June
Dear Parishioners of St Joseph's & St Charles,
This week our Masses will be:

Saturday, 26 June, at 5:00pm
Sunday, 27 June, at 9:00am & 10:00am
Monday, 28 June, at 10:00am
Tuesday, 29 June, at 10:00am
Friday, 2 July, at 10:00am

The Feast of Ss Peter & Paul
Although this year's feast carries no obligation I thought some folks who are working, etc., might nonetheless want the option of attending an evening Mass. So, we have a Vigil Mass of the feast at 7.00pm on Monday 28 June, and 10.00am on Tuesday 29 June.

Foodbank collection
Thank you to everyone who contributed so generously to last weekend's collection. This was sent to the Handsworth Foodbank and is much appreciated.

Hallam Lourdes @ Home, 25 June - 1 July
Bishop Heskett will celebrate a Mass for our diocesan patronal feast today, Sunday 27 June, at 3.00pm at St Paul's, Cantley,. For details of the full programme please visit or the Hallam Lourdes Pilgrimage Facebook page.

First Holy Communion Mass 10 July
Alas, the Mass is a 'estricted' event and the church will be reserved for the sole use of the children, their families and their limited number of guests. A variety of First Holy Communion cards & gifts will be available from our piety stall from after Mass the next two Saturdays and from 9:15-10:00am on the next two Sundays in the grounds away from the main church doors.

St Joseph's Nursery has some places available from September. You should contact the school for more information, tel. 0114 2692773.

Attending church

You MUST NOT come to church if: You are unwell or somebody in your household has coronavirus symptoms, for example a cough or high temperature. Please follow the directions of the stewards.

Church Cleaning & Stewarding
The continuing work of our voluntary church cleaners and stewards remains the bedrock of our ability to open and use our church. Without them the church would be closed and we are immensely thankful for all that they do. If you have returned to church, have seen how things are done, and now feel ready and able to volunteer then please contact me. More hands help spread the load. Thank you.

Finally, this week's newsletter is here.

Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.
St Joseph, pray for us.
St Charles Borromeo, pray for us.

With my prayers,
Rev. Mark McManus
Parish Priest
Parish Newsletter 27th June

Intentions for Our Lady of Perpetual Succour