Letter from Fr Mark McManus 17th June |
Dear Parishioners of St Joseph's & St Charles, |
Some thanks! We thank Bishop Heskett for coming to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with us last weekend and offer our congratulations to the newly Confirmed members of our parish community. We pray they will always know they are loved and gifted by God. We also thank those who prepared and served the refreshments afterwards and we thank St Joseph's School for the use of the hall. Finally, in response to her presentation last weekend Marie has written: 'My thanks to all the parishioners of St Joseph's for their kindness, support and encouragement over the years and for your good wishes on my retirement. I feel truly blessed to be part of our parish and look forward to many more years with you all. God bless, Marie.' Corpus Christi Procession
On Sunday, 19 June, there will be a Corpus Christi Procession in the city centre, starting at 3.00pm from St Marie's Cathedral. All welcome.
Children's Liturgy at Mass
It is hoped that this important aspect of helping children to participate in their own Liturgy of the Word will resume again in September. Experience has taught us that it is particularly helpful in preparing young children in the years prior to their First Holy Communion year, especially in Years 1 and 2. If you would be interested in helping in any way then please speak with Fr. M.
Finally, here are this week's newsletter and intentions. Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us. St Joseph, pray for us. St Charles Borromeo, pray for us. With my prayers, Rev. Mark McManus Parish Priest |