The Parish of St Joseph and
The Parish of St Charles Borromeo
Letter from Fr Mark McManus 12th July
Dear Parishioners of St Joseph's & St Charles,
Mass with St Joseph's School
This Friday, 19 July, the 10.00am Mass will be celebrated with St Joseph's School as we come to the end of the academic year. We also take the opportunity to give thanks for twenty-five years of dedicated and faithful service to our school by Mrs Harrand, who is retiring as the Deputy Headteacher of St Joseph's School this summer.

As it takes a little more time for the whole school to enter the church and inevitably creates a little more noise, this Friday Exposition will finish ten minutes earlier at 9.45am. The recitation of the Divine Mercy prayers will therefore also be ten minutes earlier. Thank you for your understanding.

Here is this week's newsletter and intentions.

Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.
St Joseph, pray for us.
St Charles Borromeo, pray for us.

With my prayers,
Rev. Mark McManus
Parish Priest
Letter Links

Parish Newsletter
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
14th July 2024

Latest General Intentions
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)