The Parish of St Joseph and
The Parish of St Charles Borromeo
Letter from Fr Mark McManus 24th May
Dear Parishioners of St Joseph's & St Charles,
Sacrament of Confirmation
Bishop Heskett will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, this Saturday, 25 May, at 5.00pm. Please remember the candidates and their families and sponsors in your prayers.

All Saints Catholic High School Vacancy
Seclusion Room and On Call Lead Required from 1 September, Scale 5, Points 15 - 20 (£27,803 - £30,296) pro rata Actual Salary £24,528.92 - £26,728.35 with no previous service. 37 hours per week for 40 weeks per year. 8.00 am - 4.00 pm (3.30 pm one day per week). Please visit school website for further details and application pack:

Here is this week's newsletter and intentions.

Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.
St Joseph, pray for us.
St Charles Borromeo, pray for us.

With my prayers,
Rev. Mark McManus
Parish Priest
Letter Links

Parish Newsletter
The Most Holy Trinty
26th May 2024

Latest General Intentions
Trinty Sunday (B)