The Parish of St Joseph and
The Parish of St Charles Borromeo
Letter from Fr Mark McManus 4th October
Dear Parishioners of St Joseph's & St Charles,
October is known as the month of the Holy Rosary, which the Church celebrates with particular devotion. It is considered a powerful weapon against evil, as well as the perfect prayer to bring peace to the world. The rosary is prayed publicly before the Sunday morning 10am Mass. Why not come along a little earlier during the month or simply join in when you arrive? You can sit anywhere in the church should you prefer. If you want to know how to pray the rosary, speak with Fr M or one of the rosary circle.

CAFOD Family Fast Day
This Friday, 4 October; there will be an offerings box available at all Masses on the weekend, 5 & 6 October.

November Memorial Dead List 2024 - 2025
The celebration of holy Mass is the simplest yet also the greatest means by which the Church on earth provides care and assistance for the dead - though we can also assist them in their 'journey' through the purification of purgatory by means of our prayers, offered sufferings and penances, especially when they have indulgences attached to them. Beginning in November we offer Masses for the Parish November Memorial Dead List throughout the year. To enrol a loved one on the list so that they are included in these Masses, please write the names of your deceased family, friends and benefactors, and put it, together with your offering, into an envelope marked 'Dead List.' You can hand the envelope in at the sacristy, office or give it to Fr M.

Youth 2000 Sheffield Retreat for 16 to 35s
This year's Youth 2000 Retreat at St Vincent's Mission Hub on Saturday; 9 November, from 9.00am to 9.00pm, will be a chance for people in and around the Sheffield area (and beyond) to seek and find the warmth and life of a thriving, loving community, rooted in Jesus Christ and living out the joy of the Gospel message. If you are aged 16-35 years old, you are invited to join them for a jam-packed, one-day retreat of prayer, teaching, friendship and fun, while exploring how to build your life on Christ, the solid rock. If you are under 18, you will need to be accompanied by someone who is over 18. The retreat includes lunch and dinner, and tickets cost £15 (unless you need help with this). To find out more, please see the event's webpage:

Here is this week's intentions

Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.
St Joseph, pray for us.
St Charles Borromeo, pray for us.

With my prayers,
Rev. Mark McManus
Parish Priest
Letter Links

Latest General Intentions
Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)