The Parish of St Joseph and
The Parish of St Charles Borromeo
Letter from Fr Mark McManus 2nd February
Dear Parishioners of St Joseph's & St Charles,
Before going away on retreat a couple of weeks ago I sent out a double-edition newsletter as is usual on such occasions but for some reason it did not arrive in your inboxes. I have no idea why this was so and I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

The Blessing of Throats

As the Feast of St Blaise falls on this coming Saturday, 3 February, the Blessing of Throats will be offered at the end of the 5.00pm Mass.

Here is this week's newsletter and intentions.

Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.
St Joseph, pray for us.
St Charles Borromeo, pray for us.

With my prayers,
Rev. Mark McManus
Parish Priest
Letter Links

Parish Newsletter
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
4th February 2024

General Intentions
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)